- nouree ariadnee -
“ This is not my choice, everything here wasn’t my choice, but perhaps God led me here maybe because there must be something beautiful to be held dear. “ – YUMI.
“ This is not my choice, everything here wasn’t my choice, but perhaps God led me here maybe because there must be something beautiful to be held dear. “ – YUMI.
It was the 17th of June 2013, my first day in progress to achieve a degree. I don't know how I will survive here knowing that I'm an introvert, slash extrovert, or, in other words, weird and nerd, but I know precisely why I'm here to get that degree. I’m NAYUMI ARYA MAIO. It's 9:00 am, and I'm sitting here in the middle of this room painted with white and peach, waiting for my Professor for my first subject when a girl comes to approach me; she waves and says, "Hi I'm Anne Gil, Anne with an e," she emphasizes would it be OK if I'll sit beside you? "I replied, "Sure, I think it is such a blessing to meet a small girl with a loud voice on the first day of class." She smiled. A few minutes later, a tall, dark, handsome man approached us and started to talk. Hearing his voice, I blown away. He was a man, but with a girl's input, he uttered, "Hi, girls! I'm Mors, can I sit beside you? Pointing to Anne, " Full name, please? "Chad Murray Farnan, "Anne giggled and said," I like you already. Who would have thought you're a big man with a gentleman's name with a girl's heart? From this day on, I declare, we three are best friends already, "and I smiled. Moments after our Professor came in and our first class began. We have one hour of free time before the next subject. Since the atmosphere inside the classroom gave me ennui, I went outside and stood in the corridor watching students doing their stuff entering and exiting the school gate, when a man in a gray shirt, a 5'9 ft. tall with a complexion as white as a rose captured me. Edward Cullen, that's what I thought. Heedlessly, Anne and Mors were at my back. Anne said, "EDWARD CULLENS!"
Mors said, "Yumi's eyes are sparkling, "I just smiled. "I think you now have a wonderful reason to enjoy here, Yumi," Anne stated. "Leave it to us," Mors added. The first day of class ended well. The next day, as I was getting close to the school gate, I heard a man's soft voice calling me, "YUMI." As I turned my back, it was Mors. With a delightful eyes, he said, "Yumi yow, guess what? I've done my research "Research? Do we have one? Did I miss something yesterday? "He show me his phone. "this is the research I am referring to: "SocMed account of your view." seeing standing in front of the gate, Anne joined us. "What was that? He took Mors's phone and said, "Oh my gosh, it's AIAN OSCAR RENDON. "I mumbled, "AIAN OSCAR RENDON? "Yep, Yumi, that's his name, 4th Year Economic Student, "Anne said, "which means LAW OF ATTRACTION. "Mors added, "What's the law of attraction, by the way, Mors? With a smile, I answered, "It means I'm his beginning, and he's my end. "Aweeeeeeee," Mors and Anne expressed.
Okay, enough with it. Let's have our first laboratory class and then plan for the second step. While our laboratory class is ongoing, our Professor, Ms. Sanchez, explains and discusses her expectations and requirements for the entire semester. Mors and Anne are busy checking Aian's account. Anne whispered to me, "he is also a model" "can we talk about it later? " Our Professor caught me up mumbling. "The lady there is in short hair, Ms. Maio, right? "Yes, ma'am." "You will be the first reporter for our lecture class this Thursday. " Laboratory class ended, and Anne wouldn't stop saying sorry to me. " I never wish it would happen, "she said, "It's okay. I think I was fated to be the first reporter. "I smiled. We went to the canteen and stayed there to have a snack. "Let's go to the main topic, where's your phone, Yumi? " Dead?! " "I know it was not" "Hey! Let me clarify: I am here to get my degree, and I just, I am, you know, "I stuttered while talking. Anne attached to my last two words, "you know, he was my beautiful view, "teasingly. Our class was just half a day, but we stayed in the corridor in our building until noon, hoping we would see him. We waited an hour but never saw a shade of him. We then decided to go home. At 8:00 pm, I received a text message: "He accepted my friend request- Mors, "Before sleeping, I glimpsed at his account, attempting to add him, reminding myself that degree first before anything else. Thursday, two days have passed, and we haven't seen Aian of BS Economics. It's my first-ever class presentation. I'm quite nervous, but the thought of finishing it comes first. I'm about to start when Anne screams, "YUMI, he's coming!" As I stared at the window, Aian was entering the gate. My classmates followed my sight, and together they chaffed "yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" With her grin, our professor said, "Alright, class! Report first before love life." after questions and answers about my presentation, my professor inserted, "So that white, tall guy is you and Ms. Gil's subject last time," my classmates teased me again. After class, Anne and I were eating ice cream when Anne's cute pink folder dropped. I picked it up and accidentally saw gorgeous drawings of fairies colored gorgeously. "Are these your works? "No, it's my Dad," she answered. "Your Dad is so lit. "I missed him so badly." Why? Where is he? "Heaven." "Maybe he meets my Mom. "We smiled at each other. "YUMI! ANNE! "It was Mors; with that voice, I knew he must have something to say about Aian. "You missed Yumi's first report, dude," Anne said to Mors. "I'm sorry, gals, I went to a party last night, and guess what? I saw your view there." "And then? "Anne stated, "The saddest part is he's with his girlfriend. "With that face, you shouldn't expect he has none because it's the basic he can have." I answered, "Yeah, right! at least as early as now, you knew already. Let's move on, move in, and move forward," Anne cheerfully said, And we laugh together.
Friday, the last day of the first week in class, Mors said, "Hey! Let's sing along before we go home. I know a place. Let's go there by 3:00 pm. "I'll be with you until 5 pm, "I replied. "As You Wish, Disney Princess ". The place Mors is referring to is beside the pharmacy near Round Ball, a KTV that operates from 8 am to midnight. Mors and Anne had finished two songs already while I was busy eating and doing schoolwork. "It's time for you to sing, Nayumi. I know we broke your heart yesterday, so it's a must for you to sing. Find the keys, and I sing ( CRUSH BY DAVID ARCHULETA). Notice this crush ain't going away .."
New Month, brand new day, thank you, P.E. time for a fresh start. "How can this be considered a fresh start where sweats run through our faces?" I uttered. Then, the question is, "Have you moved on from your first-ever school crush, girl? Mors asked teasingly. "Let's fix, eat, and go to the next class." The last time I saw Aian was the last week of June. 10:00 am time for English class. I had never been anxious in any subject except English; I found my professor strict and terrifying. "Good Morning, Professor Esmeralda Lim." We greeted her politely, "Ms. Maio, Ms. Gil, Mr. Farnan, this is not a P.E. class Would you mind wearing your regular uniform, or I'll mark you three absents? I'll give you five minutes. "Mors moves to the male comfort room, Anne sprints to the opposite, and I sweep myself to the clinic. Run as fast as I could to get there, I saw him, Aian, and we crossed ways; glancing at him from a far, I thought it was enough, not until we crossed ways for the first time, and for the first time in this vicinity, He is so close that I saw his soul burning right thru his eyes making my heart beat faster and slower all at the same time. Still, I pretend I didn't see him because I'm behind time. "After we changed dress, the three of us seemed to race back to the hall as quickly as possible so we wouldn't miss the class. " Congratulations, you made it, "Prof. Lim said boomingly. After class, our class president announced, "We will have a Department Meeting this Afternoon by 3 pm. Attendance is a must. Agenda: CAMPUS DAY & ACQUAINTANCE". "Are we attending? Anne whispered to me. "We need to. Attendance is a must," I answered in a slow voice. At 3:00 pm, We stood under the sun's heat before the Economic BUILDING, waiting for the meeting to begin. The meeting started at exactly 3:15 pm. "We also have a pageant at 7 pm," the chairman emphasized. "Anyone who would like to join Mr. & Ms. Student Campus, please raise your hand or come in front." No one did. "If none, then the body decides, and these people knew it already; for the lady, our representative is Ms. Joy Martinez, and for the gentleman, Mr. Aian Oscar Rendon will present. "Breathing deep, the three of us gaze at each other. The chair added, "Let's give our 100 % support to our players and representatives. Attendance is a must. Corresponding sanctions will be given to those who will not attend. Do you understand the first year? The chair speaks about the acquaintance, but the thought of the three of us is on the pageant. "As for acquaintance? That's the last line I'd heard, and we exited.
7:00 am, the Campus Day Parade is about to start; I can see the students' excitement in their lines, preparing their phones for the mandatory selfies. "Yumi," Anne called me in a voice as if I was 10 meters away from her when in reality we’re closer than a twin lizard, she said "would you like me to put your makeup on? Eye shadow, perhaps? We will ramp for, I think, 1 hour, so we must look fresh, and besides, we will visit your view later, so you must be prepared at all times; he's practicing at that corner, by the way," pointing to the first room of the Economic Building. "But first, let's enjoy this moment; who knows, we will meet someone as cool as us, "Mors inserted.
Under the sun's heat, Mors, Anne, I, and our classmates are dancing and partying on the street. Taking photos and ramping like we're candidates of pageantry. "LET GO CAS DEPARTMENT! "WE CAN DO THIS. "Seeing Anne, Mors, and my classmates seizing the time, I realized it's not boring here anyway; it's time to make beautiful memories in this place.
After the parade, we took a rest on the stairs for a while, while listening to One Direction music and singing along ( I would. I would) when one of our seniors, Mafe, joined us and said, "We need one more sub-player for Women's basketball." "I'll join, "I answered feverishly. Although I'm not good at sports, joining games is refreshing.
The games have started. Students cheering with their teams. It's 2nd half, and I summon to sub. I am so excited but agitated a bit knowing that our opponents have guy physiques. On the left side, my classmates support me while Anne and Mors hold a banner with the words "GO YUMI GO! I lab VIEW, EDWARD CULLENS." I enjoy every moment of the game, holding the ball so tight, I can hear Mors Voice, "YUMI to your left." as I glance, Aian is wearing a red shirt while the sun is kissing his skin and walking towards his practice place. Watching him for a moment, we lost the ball. Mafe: "What was that? "I'm not feeling well. "Mors looked at me and did the peace sign, indicating he felt sorry I'd lost focus.
After the game, I changed shirts and went to the cafeteria. Mors said, "I'm sorry, YUMS, but to make it up to you, let's go to the hall where he's practicing. "No, I answered. Let's watch him tonight. " speaking of tonight, what's the plan? Anne asked. "let's make a banner, let's show some support. This is my first ever Campus Day, and this is his last; let's make it memorable: "That's our YUMI! Let's do this! Let's go! "
7:00 pm, the show was about to start. I secure my phone and wallet in Mors's bag since I didn't bring one; joining the crowd, we are as loud as possible! He's number #3. Every time he popped in, we raised the banner "to the moon and back, YOU ARE YUMI's beautiful view #3." And scream. I don't know if Aian noticed, but doing our best to show support is enough for me. He ended third, but I don't care; he made my night wonderful through him I was able to team up with other students from different courses for the first time, and seeing him flaring with the crowd brightened my night.
Weekends Project
Saturday, 9:00 am, I woke up because of my Dad's voice saying. "Yumi, your classmates are here," I questioned myself. Why were they here? Then I remembered we had a group laboratory presentation next week. With my hair unfixed and wearing sleepwear, I go out to my room; in a hoarse voice, I say, "HELLO, CLASSMATES! He's my Dad, and the lady who opened the gate for you is Nana, my cousin and, at the same time, my best friend. So Coffee? Ken asked, "What are we going to call your father? "Liza answered, "Uncle Daddy," and together they said, "Good Morning, Uncle Daddy, Good Morning Na." Dad smiled and replied, "Have a coffee. Did you all ask permission from your parents? "Together they answered "Yes, Uncle. "
After breakfast, we fixed our visitor’s room and converted it into a group/ study room. We started our job, laptops, and papers were put into place, and the discussion was ongoing when Liza suddenly broke the momentum. “ YUMI almost forgot our schedule today because of Mr #3, Aian,” “ Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeee,” classmates responded. “ Sssssshhhhhh! Dad might hear, “ I mumble while smiling. “ The effect of supporting your inspiration from interspace is a raspy voice, “ I added, and we all laughed. 5:30 in the afternoon when we finish our work. I escorted my classmates exiting our gate together with Nana. “ Couz, I hear it. You have a crush! Yee. Let me see his face, “ “ I don’t have a picture of him,” “ Social Media,” ”We’re not friends,” “You know his account? Just sneak. “ “ Wait then, I’ll get my phone.” My cousin followed me in my room. “ Where is it? As I opened my phone, I saw a message notification. AIAN OSCAR RENDON accepted your friend request. Dumbfounded for a second or two. I knew for sure I didn’t do the requisition. “ Did you find him? “ I show my cousin a picture of him. “ I thought you’re not friends on social media. “ “ I thought too.” “Waa. Couz, He looks like you. He has just fair skin but seems, um,
it’s your guy version “ “ Just ssh”
Back to Norms & Midterm Exam
I see Anne and Mors doing the peace sign as I walk close to them. "It was unplanned, but it's the best thing we can do, "Mors uttered. "He's 4th year; this is the last sem. You will see him often. Next Sem, you will barely see him because he will have his on-the-job training," Anne added. At least you're still updated through social media, even without his presence". Hearkening their words, my heart is weeping. I hug them both, ascertaining my soul's eagerness to see me in glee.
"Midterm exam will be on 1st week of August" announcement pinned on the bulletin board. Anne: "Two weeks from now" "Sleepless night is coming," I expanded. Since the announcement, I have declined from anything and concentrated on my studies—no social media. I didn't even go along with Anne and Mors; I stayed in the library in my free time, which they understood. I join Garla, my classmate whose brain in numbers is outstanding. We made this deal that he would train me on solving in exchange, I'd teach him the technique of memorization, and I would lend him my notes on all major subjects.
Exam day!
I am almost finish answering my paper. As I peek at Anne, she's scratching her hair with the pen. I know precisely what it means. I submitted my report, swept it to Anne for a second, and left notes with numbers and letters. She shared it with Mors, who was just beside her.
Our last exam for the midterm was English; the setup was unusual. It has two parts. Part I is the oral, written part, where you read what you answered from the questions. For Part II, you need to sing the chorus of "If ever you're in my arms again. "according to Prof. Lim, it is a test of knowing if you have the right tone and expression on words, absolutely I am not a singer, but for the grade sake, I study the song and put emotion. It was followed by reading certain words to see if you had learned pronunciation.
The exam was done, and the three of us were back together again. Mors “ Have you seen his new post? Hot as sun “ Referring to Aian. “ Haven’t check my social media for 2 weeks now “ Mors then let us see the post. Shirtless , well pleased with his 6 packed abs, eminently, I notice his eyes, his gorgeous brown eyes conveying something. “ Alright, enough with him, let's eat. You can still view it later. See? That’s the beauty of being social media friends. You are updated wherever you go “.
Debate Day
Strung but excited. I did my spill. After doing my part, I now watch and listen to my teammate, Jeya. I was genuinely amazed by how she talked and answered every question spontaneously. Making myself to shut up and let her do the defense. With Jeya's skills, we've won.
After the activity, I went back to school. I first went to the guard house to leave some stuff of Prof. Lim as she instructed. As I forthright my sight to Mors, he's making hand signals, pointing to a motorcycle, and doing one six gesture. He's referring to the endure with a #16 sticker. I approached it and shouted to him, "Is this yours? He claps his hands and laughs. "To your beautiful view, "he echoed. My sight turned right away to the economic building, and I could see Aian coming. I run swiftly to Mors. "What A?? I'm almost!" Mors cannot contain himself laughing.
I was sitting on the 4th step of the stairs of our Building when the secretary of our Department asked me to aid her in posting an announcement for Acquaintance. ".. August 16, 2013, Motif: All black" after reading the post, I asked her on confusing state "Is an Acquaintance or are we attending a funeral? "She laughed, followed by an answer, "This was agreed upon during the meeting."
In my thought, "When did the meeting happen? I believe I never missed one." I suddenly remember the moment of the first-ever meeting, where the agenda was CAMPUS Day and Acquaintance. Where we didn't give a damn about the talks for acquaintance, we exit right away. The news about the upcoming activity has escalated. Some are excited, and some are not, while I am still bothered by the idea of wearing all black at night. "Do you already have something to wear? Anne asked. "Naahh! I don't think I'll join the black parade. "Ken and Garla laughed. "This is my problem. I wanna join, but I don't have a dress," Liza shared. "Let's go to the pre–loved shop, where dresses are used but not abused. "I accompanied my classmates to the preloved shop. It's 10 km from school, but the group decided to walk.
Garla and Ken had a lot of funny conversations, so walking under the sun's heat wasn't a dilemma. My classmates started to pick dresses. "Yumi, you need to join. It's Aian's last acquaintance, and it's your first. Let's make this acquaintance to remember." And my classmates second-handed it. "I swear if I see #3 that night, I'll let him close to you," Ken added.
I'm not that girly, but there are moments when I'm fond of girl things. What I mean is that my girly side was activated when I wanted. I know how to doll up myself, and I did it to some of my classmates, which made us almost look the same except for the color of the lips. I patted crimson red on my lips while they chose pink. It's been one hour since the program started, and the first part has ended, and we still do not see the shadow of him. "He's not here," Anne mumbled in a downcast sense. I gave her a genial face and said, "We can still dance with the night even if he's not here. This night was probably made for us, for our classmates and for us to engage with our seniors who will eventually have their last acquaintance party. ""You are right, Yumi! "( Music plays .. Just Dance ..)
Taking a deep breath, Garla shouted, "Festive month it is. "Are you ready to dance on the street? "Yea! "Let go" using a mini speaker in the highest volume. Mors, Anne, Ken, Garla, and I dance from school to their boarding house. "Study first before SocMed, "Ken told Mors, "Yumi!!!!!!!!" Mors uttered my name in an emergency phase. "Look, " He showed us the newest photo of Aian and other girls. Moments after scrolling Aian SocMed, We sang together, " Would he say he's in L-O-V-E?? Well, if it were me, then I would., Would he hold you when you're feeling low? Baby, you should know I would ".. I would "I ( I would by 1D). Let's do our purpose here: study for tomorrow's long quiz.
At 7 am the next day, my father called my cousin in a weak but forceful voice, "Na, please bring me a glass of water ." My cousin is outside, so I do the command. I enter his room and see him chilling. I exigently called our neighbor's aunt, and we sent him to the nearest hospital. As we escorted Dad to his room, he said, "You should go to school. "I declined. I only have one parent since Mom went to heaven in 2006. Dad is the main reason I pursue my degree within this town. I texted Anne about the incident, and she let my dean and the professors know. My classmates flooded me with prayers, and Anne and Mors called me occasionally to get updates. After 24 hours of several tests, the doctor released the diagnosis: Gallstone and Parkinson's Disease. "The stone should be rid of as soon as possible to avoid complications since hospitals in our town were just starting to upgrade their equipment. Night after we perceived the diagnosis, we imperatively sent Dad to the hospital in another city, where technology is updated, and he can recover in an instant. The operation was a success. A week after the incident, I went back to school. I received a message from Mors: "The Dean wants to see you first." I went to the dean's office before proceeding to my laboratory class. While walking to Prof. Dasho, I was having doubts and asking myself, "I'm five days absent; was I dropped? Help me, Lord". I knocked 3x. "Enter," A voice replied, "Ms. Maio," "Good Morning, Sir," I greeted, "How's your father? "He's okay, Sir. He's resting as of the moment." "How about you?" "Never been better. ""I'm lightened to know." "Do you have class?" "Yes, Sir. I'm 5 minutes late. "What are you waiting for? Go!" "Thank you, Sir". As I entered the laboratory, Anne and Mors ran towards me and hugged me so tightly. Ken and Garla followed. "Ms. Maio; you missed one quiz. Are you ready to take it after this? Tears fall my face. "Thank you for your consideration, Ma'am. "After class, I straddled at the bench in front of the laboratory. Mors gave me ice cream and said, "We miss you," "I have just gone for a week, " "But the week is incomplete without your unusual vibe," "Like a pro," and we laughed. "Yumi, here." Garla furnished me a copy of all my missed lectures. I hugged him again. "Thank you. "Don't say thanks; the final exam is approaching. I've done my part; you must done yours, "He said teasingly, and we chuckled together.
Last Day of September 2013
"Campus General Cleaning Day in the morning. No class in the afternoon, "as announced on the bulletin board. "We don't have class this afternoon. Any plan? Garla asked the three of us. "Since Yumi missed the festival, let's have KTV, "Mors answered. "Can I join? "Ken said. "Me too," Faith added. "Since the English exam is approaching, I need to practice. "So we go back to the KTV place and we are six this time. Making the most of the moment as if the place is ours. ( You make me glow …But I cover up, won't let it show … So I'm putting my defenses up'.. Cause I don't want to fall in love … Music: Heart Attack by Demi Lovato)
October is the Final Exam
"Final Exam will be on October 14-16, 2013. "The announcement welcomes our Monday. The thoughts of not just exams but all projects and research works must be submitted before the exam and two days after the exam , stressed me. "I can't draw my brain cells this time, "Ken mumbled. "I don't even have brain cells now, "I answered. Mors just came in. He asked, "Any problem? "I replied, "DEADLINE. "After dinner, my Dad asked when will be my final exam and I answered politely. The following day, I saw lots of chocolates on our dining table. "Uncle asked me to buy it for you; it's all yours; he says he saw you eating sweets while studying." My cousin said. I ran swiftly to my Dad's room, crying and expressing my thanks. "Oh. Why does a river flow in your eyes? It's 9:00 am, aren't you late? I remember when I had one quiz in my 9:30 am class. So I decided to go to school without showering; perfume will aid. As I walked to the vicinity, I saw Aian at the gate. In messy hair and no rain, it's essential to pretend I didn't see him.I ran as fast as I could to the classroom; thank God our Professor was not yet inside. Breathing deep Anne says, "Hmmmmm. You smell so good, Nayumi." I put half of the 250ml perfume I harbor from my sister before she left. I couldn't take a bath because I thought I was late for the quiz. Sacrifice is real, so that quiz must be done.
2nd Semester
We finished our 1st Semester Final Exam, and our first Semester ended. The following announcement was "2nd Semester Enrollment Schedule, 1st Year - November 5-6, 2013, 2nd Year November 7-8, 3rd November 11 – 12 4th November 13-14 Late enrollees 18 -19. Anne, Mors, and I agreed to enroll together. Anne and Mors rested for two weeks in their hometown, ending up we enrolled late. 9:00 am, and we join the line paying tuition to the cashier. We notice a man, 5'9 ft tall with
brown hair in a gray shirt, standing five steps ahead of us. After his turn paying at the cashier, he turned his back; Anne said, "Confirmed! The view of you. He looks so different but too handsome. OMG, Yumi! " "Prepare yourself, Yumi. Brush your hair. Put lipstick," Mors said in a rushed state. "Really? At this line? At this moment? He won't have his way here. He'll exit at the back. Believe me! "Aian then went to the back of the cashier's building. "How did you know? "Angel asked. "Feels," I smiled. "Oh, mutual feelings," she teased. "Back to the color of his hair, is that allowed? "He stays mostly in the guard house; maybe he has a good foundation with the guard. "We laughed. "But seriously, maybe he's allowed for now because he will be working outside the school. I don't know." I explained. "Speaking of the On the Job training, the good news is he will have his training just within the town, according to my source, which means we can visit him, "Mors said. "Let's just wait for him here. Let's visit him if he will be a patient. " "But the patient is you; let us know whenever you miss him when your heart doesn't beat enough, and we will go there, to his temporary place. "I think you excerpt it from a song," I replied together, "When the sun won't shine anymore, I'll be There "( music: I'll be There by Aiza Seguerra)
Happiest Birthday
Although Dad told me to celebrate and invite my classmates on my birthday two days before, I never planned, and knowing that my classmates didn’t know about my birthday so it didn’t bother me. November 24, 2013, I woke up with my phone bombarded with greetings; I realized they learned it through my social media. Since I never planned that day, my classmates, who were my guess, became my cooks. We end the fun at 10:00 pm. I’m so busy that I’m unaware of the message on my phone. 11:00 pm Before going to sleep, I look over my socmed, and for a bit, my heartbeat stops; I take a deep breath and butterfly socialize with my stomach and my sleepy eyes turned wide and effervescent. Aian posted on my wall, “ Hapi Bday. “These are greetings I didn’t expect, but they bring me so much pleasure. “ Such a gift, God! Thank you” Excited and glee for the first day of 2nd semester, Anne and Mors knows already about the greetings, and we can’t contain our clairvoyance the whole day. It was unstoppable.
As the last week of November will end and the 3rd Week of December is approaching, our school work has become so heavy, leaving us no time for extra personal activities. We need to finish all school requirements before Christmas vacation. Three days before drifting apart for 16 days, my classmates decided to have a class Christmas Party. We spent it at the swimming pool. It’s a moment to get to know each other more and tighten our team bond and one class: small talk, singing, dancing, and eating. We said, “ We deserve this Day,” and chuckled.
January 2014
New Year!
Three surprise quizzes for the first Monday of the Year welcome us. "What a lovely year! Strained welcome us. "I didn't see it coming," Garla said. "No one sees it," I highlighted. Disappointed with our scores, I went to the new store beside the school to buy ice cream; Ken joined me. "Stress is no problem; just eat ice cream." I said. "That's why you look like Ice Cream." Ken answered and We laughed. "You missed him? "He asked. "Missing who? "Mr. #3, "I haven't seen him for a while." "I saw him last night at the fitness GYM." "I took a photo of him because I remember you, and we even exchanged hellos. "My eyes expand as a response. He laughed and said, "Don't worry, I didn't say anything about you. But he's cool. "That's nice to hear. "When will you plan to get close or just say hi to him personally? "My priority now is my schooling. The rest is minor. When it comes to him, seeing him in the distance for now is enough. Let us not force things. I believe in God's timing, and that timing, for sure, is perfect. "You find him beautiful, huh? "Ken said, and I just smiled. Our midterm exam was scheduled for the 4th week of January. I'm always invisible to anyone two weeks before the exam. I am off my phone and on social media. During the exam, I saw Anne in the same seat while Mors was five seats away from Anne. I was distracted; something was going on the both of them. After the exam, I asked Anne, "What's going on? "Anne didn't answer. I went to Mors and asked the same question: "I didn't mean to. I'd lost control while holding the glass, so I slipped water on her drawings two nights ago. "I said I was sorry, and if she wants, I can ask Ken to draw a new one for her." "The drawings were not just drawings; they had sentimental value; her father made those art pieces. "Oh my gosh, Nayumi, I didn't know," "She's hurting." "Let's go to her, "Anne, I'm truly sorry. Let me know what you want me to do to make amends with you. ""Nothing. I'm not mad at you. It's just that my heart is aching knowing the fact I'd lost one of the memorable stuff of my father." "Tears fall into our eyes." "Just give me time, Mors," she stifled.
February is Heart's Month
It's February! How's your heart, Nayumi? Garla asked. I glanced at Mors and Anne and roared, "Broken into smithereens." "Why?" "Because the sun hasn't shone for two weeks now, I haven't seen my beautiful view for a while, and my support system is down, which makes me so fragile. I am a patient now." After hearing my answer, Anne cried to Mors, "I miss you. I'm sorry, "I cried, too, and went to them and gave them a warm hug. The occurrence between Mors and Anne made me realize that second chances are given not just in lover relationships but in friendship, too. When you truly love someone, you will forgive no matter the pain they cause, and in return, you will do everything to avoid the same situation—the 14th of February, Valentine's Day. We see hearts and flowers everywhere. Anne gave me a white rose. "I know a white rose is your favorite even before you know Aian. "How did you know? "I saw your books; you made white roses as bookmarks. "In return, "I give her a letter of friendship. Garla said, "For those with no date, it's time to catch and study a frog. ""Kokak!" we replied.
Last week of February
"2nd Semester Final Exam - March 18 – 19, 2013 , Graduation Day: March 28, 2014."
"Yumi, I heard he passed his Thesis and finished his OJT hours. Is there any plan to see him before he graduates? "Anne said in a low voice. "It's been two months, I think, since you haven't seen him." She added, "We must do something. "Mors inserted. "Ask your source now, "Anne replied. Ken heard our talk. "If you want to see him, be at the park in the morning. He's walking with his dog. "How did you know? "Mors asked. "I jogged every morning in the park and saw him there. ""Time? "5:30 am. "I'm still in bed by that time, hugging my favorite pillow and enjoying the coldness of the fan, "I said. "Do this for your own sake, Nayumi, "Mors told me. "I know I won't be able to move early tomorrow, so I showered and wore my shirt and jogging pants in preparation for our sighting my view early in the morning. At exactly 5:10 am, Anne and Mors were waiting outside our gate. We decided to make this whole jogging activity realistic. While on our way to the park, we met five dogs barking at us, and we had no choice but to run as we could without noticing we reached the national highway. We were nervous, but we were laughing the whole running moment. As we reached the park entrance, we saw Ken, "Too early, guys. "Thanks to those five dogs, "Mors responded, "Okay, what are we waiting for? Let's go. "We sit on the bench of the park while waiting. It's 6:00 am when we hear a dog barking as loud as five dogs we encountered this morning. "Aian is here. "Aren't you going closer to him? "His dog will bite us for sure. It's an authoritarian dog, I guess? "I'm fine seeing him from this far." "Is he going now? "Anne asked. "Let's follow him." We follow him like a pro. We carefully distance ourselves 10 meters away so that his dog won't be aware of us. Following him, we found his home at the back of the Police Station beside the Internet Café. It's 9:00 am "Such a lovely Day" to start Algebra, Mors announced.
March 2013
As the school year is coming to an end, we are filled again with school stuff. Sleepless, oral, and written night quizzes were almost daily, making me stay at the library often. I’m barely with Mors and Anne, and I thank God they understand. The day before the final exam, Mors told me, “ Their graduation practice will start after the exam ref, according to Aian. “ “ I am not yet done with other subject requirements.” “ You look so stressed already. You need a reliever.” “ Let me see my schedule maybe after I finish all my schoolwork. “ “ You don’t know when you will see him again after graduation. And graduation day will happen in 10 days “. Three days after the exam, five days before his graduation day, we went to the Capitol Gymnasium, the venue of their graduation day and where exactly they were doing their practice.
Our seniors saw us as we entered the place and asked why we were there. Mors made an alibi. “ We just want to see you. “ “ How sweet,” they replied caustically. We sit at the bench near our seniors who lead become their assistants, helping them and taking good care of their materials while they join the practice at the center. We never saw Aian’s shadow again, so our day ended up bonding with our seniors.
Graduation Day
Anne told me the night before the Graduation, "If you still do not see him tomorrow, you should message him. To let him know you're with him since umm, "I don't have confidence, "You must, for the view. LOL. ""What time tomorrow? "Let's meet by 7:30 am in the terminal, so by 8 am, we'll be there already. "
By 8:15 am, we were inside the event hall. I am finding a place to settle. Ms. Sanchez saw us, and she then let us sit beside her. My sight now is starting to find Aian. In five seconds or less, I found him due to familiarization of the seat sequence of courses I did while watching the practice six days ago. He's on the 1st row, 3rd column, which is only 5 meters away from my place if my analysis is accurate. As his name was called to get the diploma, I watched him walking and said this thought: how I wish he knew,
"To my beautiful view, AIAN OSCAR RENDON
Finally, you have the degree. I may not have had the chance to meet you personally, and even now, I am still shy towards you, maybe because it's not yet the time. Although gazing at you from a distance is all I can do for now, I always thank God for permitting me to meet you. You are such a God's grace. Because of you, I never missed any school activities. I gave myself a chance to know and be with my classmates, and I met different & wonderful people and two lovely souls with whom I share cries and laughter. The experience of seeing you was unbelievable and fun; running from 5 barking dogs was not a joke, but it turned out to be one of the best moments of my life because I was with the most incredible human beings. In addition, I found my strength in you, on what to prioritize or what should come first: studying before love life. Above all, I thank God for making you an instrument to make my first year of high here at Sultan Kudarat State University easier and happier than I ever thought it would be. It was not my school choice; everything here wasn't my choice, but I know now why God led me in this place because there are many fascinating memorable things here to be keep, and knowing, gazing, and crossing paths with you is to be held dear.
Praying for your prosperity and success, may God let our paths cross again, in His miraculous moment, and on that moment I will be your beautiful view " – YUMI.
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